There is citizens arrest on an officer is there legal murder for killing one if the pig don't get off your land when you tell him/her to?

2017-05-13 5:53 am

回答 (5)

2017-05-13 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Laughing at your own posts now, Steve? Well I guess you have to if no one else will.
2017-05-13 5:55 am
Try it and let us know
2017-05-13 5:57 am
The way it works is if they hit your door and they think that you might show any resistance, nine SWAT officers will double tap. Guaranteed that you will have a gun.
2017-05-13 7:00 am
2017-05-13 5:54 am
That doesn't even deserve an answer.

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