poll: have you ever talked to the fan to make the robot voice?

2017-05-13 2:48 am

回答 (7)

2017-05-13 2:44 pm
talk TO a fan to make a "ROBOT" voice ? so a fan that is turned on and functioning

does one also suck the helium out of helium filled balloons

one can obtain a more striking effect with a ELECTROLARNX a razor size device used by persons after a larynx removal

so that is how Robot's get programs of voice

i can honestly say i have not . TALKED to FANS and this causes one to ?

possibly be amused ?

does one understand the Science behind why that effect occurs of a choppy or fragmented voice
2017-05-15 4:44 pm
L0L yeh

hey this is a nice original question...content lyk this has been lacking

just brought back some childhood memories
2017-05-13 3:09 am
Oh yeah.
2017-05-13 3:05 am
2017-05-13 3:01 am
Who hasn't?
2017-05-13 2:53 am
Doing it right now, Joanna! And may Tad say that you are looking particularly fetching today?! New hairstyle?
2017-05-13 2:51 am

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