Were you scared the first time you had to touch a guy's penis?

2017-05-12 11:45 am

回答 (7)

2017-05-12 11:54 am
Not really no, or else my pee stream just goes EVERYWHERE so i manned up
參考: Im a guy with a penis
2017-05-15 4:04 am
Yeah but went after a while
2017-05-15 2:39 am
2017-05-14 10:38 am
I wasn't really scared, I was too caught up in the moment.
2017-05-14 10:01 am
2017-05-14 2:55 am
I touch my penis many times a day.
2017-05-12 12:14 pm
I touch my penis all the time. It doesn't scare me

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:25:18
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