Are more airline passengers...?

2017-05-12 8:32 am
Are more passengers trying to use the restroom on planes or is the flight crew not putting up with it anymore?

Do these passengers not use the restroom before the board the plane? or do they Panic as soon as we board hit the tarmac?

And should we be asked before purchasing our tickets if we have overactive bladders so we can be placed at the back next to restrooms?

回答 (6)

2017-05-12 9:22 am
You can use the restroom once at cruising altitude with no issues , or just go before you get on.
2017-05-12 12:00 pm
More to the point, why the hell can't Americans use the word 'toilet' ??!
2017-05-12 9:29 am
Why does it worry you that passengers use the toilets? These are provided for passenger use and no one has a problem with passengers using them. I'm not sure why you would object to this.
2017-05-12 8:52 am
A lot of people drink a lot on planes. Plus they tell flyers to drink and stay hydrated. That results in trips to the bathroom. What's the problem?
2017-05-12 8:35 am
The best bet is to raise air fares so the tattoo and flip flop crowd can't fly
2017-05-12 9:09 am
What if the restrooms are in front?

Why do you care if people use the restroom?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:39:16
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