poll: continue the phrase.."the orange is..."?

2017-05-12 1:28 am

回答 (11)

2017-05-12 1:46 am
The new black 😁
2017-05-12 2:20 am
Donald Trump
2017-05-12 1:31 am
The new black.
2017-05-12 4:33 pm
2017-05-12 2:04 am
2017-05-12 1:54 am
a halloween color
2017-05-12 1:36 am
Good for you..lot's of vitamin C.~*
2017-05-12 1:31 am
a lie
2017-05-12 1:31 am
... making me thirsty.
2017-05-12 1:29 am
2017-05-12 1:30 am
Orange and very juicy and sweet.... Oh, and it's full to the brim of vitamin D

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:25:36
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