I have never made over $15000 annually but i own an apartment in a family owned building and i dont pay rent , am i concedered to be poor ?

2017-05-11 3:02 pm

回答 (6)

2017-05-11 9:06 pm
Technically yes. You can own your own house and still be a welfare recipient.
2017-05-11 8:02 pm
I consider you a poor speller, but that's about it.
2017-05-12 4:23 am
2017-05-12 2:33 am
That depends on how much your apartment is worth. $10,000.00 or one million $$$s. Get the picture?
2017-05-12 12:55 am
you probably didn't pay for the apartment but your assets included its value, which might put you in the category of not being poor
your income however, on the basis if it alone would be considered poor, except unlike other people with that kind of income are not paying out any rent so your 'net' is certainly much better than the others who do pay rent
2017-05-11 11:25 pm
No. Lots of people, especially older people, have little income but because their own their house or condo their expenses are low.
2017-05-11 9:37 pm
Basically yes, though the value of said apartment may change that.

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