why does CH3OH have a higher boiling point than F2 and CH3F?

2017-05-10 8:33 am

回答 (2)

2017-05-10 8:44 am
All of CH₃OH, F₂ and CH₃F are molecular. The molecules of CH₃OH are held together by hydrogen bonds, while the molecules of F₂ or CH₃F are held together by van der Waals' forces.

For small molecules, hydrogen bonds are stronger than van der Waals' forces. Therefore, CH₃OH has a higher boiling point than F₂ and CH₃F.
2017-05-10 11:36 am
CH3OH is a polar molucule and exhibits much strong dipole-dipole Forces than CH3F because of the OH attached to CH3OH, therefore it has a higher boiling point. F2 simply exhibits dispersion forces, which are the weakest of the Intermolecular Forces.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:00:36
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