How long will it take for these insurance companies to fix my car.?

2017-05-10 5:34 am
On 4/27 a car hit me on my passanger door side and on 5/2 a car hit me on my driver side. Both from cars merging into my lane without paying attention. Well both asked for me to get my car quoted and pictures of the car. Well I ve done that since 5/4 and I have yet to hear from the insurance companies. I called the lady of the first accident left a message to see if she received the email and quote because I faxed them both the quote of the repair she hasn t called yet. The 2nd I talk to her and ask for a rental considering I have no side mirrors on my car due to the accidents and she is saying she isn t in charge of that and the number I fax the papers to isn t in her department yet it was under her email. She said they will call me since Thursday about the rental and haven t heard from them. What should I do I really don t want this to go on for months when this should be dealt with in 30 days.

回答 (9)

2017-05-11 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
My guess is that they are both deciding if their drivers are at fault or not. Either both or one of them could decide that you at fault in either accident. So, until fault is decided, then they will agree to a rental and pay for the repairs they owe.

But, due to both accidents w/in a short days of each other, then each company could dispute that they would split the labor hours, since would be in the shop same time, Or, dispute on who pays for the rental or split it after 5/2.

If you have collision coverage on your own policy, then they fix asap, but you will pay 2 deductibles, which your insurance company will collect from both insurance companies, their payment on each side and also the 2 separate deductibles. .
參考: retired auto adjuster
2017-05-10 8:16 am
Why are you dealing with the other drivers directly? You need to go through your insurance company and have them deal with the at fault drivers insurance companies. Do not deal directly with the other drivers, they can blow you off too easily, as you are finding out.
2017-05-10 7:41 pm
Do you really think someone here can answer your question as to how long "these insurance companies will take to fix my car?"

2017-05-10 6:31 am
You need to get your own insurance agent after these folks to fix your car.
2017-05-10 5:58 am
"I called the lady of the first accident".

There is absolutely no reason why you should be having any direct contact with the other motorists or their insurance providers. That is the job of your insurer, you have already paid them to provide this service for you, sharmista. Let them do the job you pay them to do.
2017-05-10 5:43 am
Your insurance company should be dealing with this, that is what you pay them for.
2017-05-12 6:59 pm
2017-05-10 11:47 am
First, and most importantly, you should stop calling. The more you call, the less likely they are to pay in the foreseeable future. Every call makes them more convinced that if they don't pay, then all you'll do is to make more phone calls. If you have already called too many times, then you may need to send them a written letter so that they see that you are going to do more than just make phone calls.

Second, you can buy side mirrors online or at an auto parts store for under $100 and put them on your car yourself. You could have done that already. You wouldn't need a rental now if you had done that, so there's no good reason for them to pay for the rental.
2017-05-10 11:18 am
I really don t want this to go on for months when this should be dealt with in 30 days.
Welcome to the real World.
The Insurance company does not fix anything.
They proceed at their speed not yours.
Suggest you start dealing with YOUR insurance company. You PAID FOR IT already.

How long it takes the to collect is their issue.

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