Gas has a volume of 135mL at 0.600atm. What would be the volume if the pressure is decreased to 0.200atm while temperature is held constant?

2017-05-10 12:43 am

回答 (3)

2017-05-10 12:51 am
Initial: V₁ = 135 mL and P₁ = 0.600 atm
Final: V₂ = ? mL and P₂ = 0.200 atm

For a fixed amount of gas at constant temperature: P₁V₁ = P₂V₂
Then, V₂ = V₁ × (P₁/P₂)

Final volume, V₂ = (135 mL) × (0.600/0.200) = 405 mL
2017-05-10 12:48 am
(135 mL) x (0.600 atm / 0.200 atm) = 405 mL
2017-05-10 12:54 am
use the gas law p1V1/n1RT1 = p2V2/n2RT2; note that neither n or T changes so n1 = n2 and T1 = T2 so p1V1 = p2V2 or, solving for V2, p1V1/p2 fill in the blanks and calculate

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