help! my mom thinks i have an eating disorder!?

2017-05-09 1:20 pm
ok so i have severe anxiety and depression. i sees therapist once a week and i just recently went to a specialist to get a mental evaluation. but here s the things, i ve lost soooo much weight , and my appetite has decreased insanely. my mom thinks i have an eating disorder, but i don t! i m not afraid of food or anything, i just get such bad anxiety to the pointe where i can t eat cause i feel so sick. and my heart rate has dropped insanely, i feel tired and cold a lot, fatigued, and dizzy at times, even weak. but i swear i dont have an eating disorder! but these are all symptoms and i m very scared and don t know what to do. i don t wanna be put in the hospital for something that i don t have. is it possible for anxiety and depression to cause these symptoms and malnutrition even?

回答 (1)

2017-05-09 2:48 pm
Since you are very scared why not have your mother schedule an appointment with your family doctor. Have your mother join you in the exam room. When the doctor asks what brings you in today show them what you have written here. Use that as a basis for having a frank discussion on how you are doing. Be sure they know about your history of anxiety and depression. They can do a full physical and neurological workup to see if have any other medical conditions that need to be addressed. They can also check if anything you are taking or doing may be causing or contributing to your issue. Since you are concerned about your weight loss your doctor may refer you to a dietician or nutritionist to work on your diet. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation. Once a diagnosis has been made, treatment options can be evaluated with you and your mom.

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