Superpower Examples?

2017-05-09 9:30 am
I'm planning out a comic, and I'm trying to come up with superpowers that are mostly based on helping your team. examples: Seeing into the future (Warning your team), Healing (Obvious), ect, ect. Bonus points if the powers have a cooler shorter name you can use like just 'seeing' or 'saving' or whatever. There are eight people in the team, go nuts.

回答 (3)

2017-05-09 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is too broad of a question. It requires a massive answer.
I would look at the main support skills and spells in computer games.

ALTERATION (bending reality to the user's will)
ILLUSION (exploiting the perception if the opponent)
MYSTICISM (power or knowledge gained from a greater outside force)
SUMMONING (manifesting armour, weaponry, monsters into the world)
RESTORATION (restoration of health, willpower, stamina)
CHARMING/ENCHANTING (enhancing an ability/skill)
ENTROPY (weakening an ability/skill)

Just about any form of support skill can be found in an MMORPG.

You could try watching "Log Horizon" or "My Hero Academia" for great ideas. Both of these anime will show you the way.
2017-05-09 2:05 pm
You can't spell "etc.".
2017-05-09 9:39 am
Anal probe

Help scout for aliens

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