With a concealed carry permit can i carry a 7+ inch blade in Florida?

2017-05-09 7:49 am

回答 (4)

2017-05-09 10:25 am
Do an internet search for knife sites. Make sure the site is authoritative.

Also, please do not refer to it as a "permit." The government does not permit anything. They can only restrict. Also, government does not grant rights.

They can call it whatever they like, but that does not mean it is technically accurate. Vocabulary and words are influential, which is why government uses the word "permit."

"When words lose their meaning, people will lose their liberty." -- Confucius
2017-05-09 8:35 am
If you have to ask, you DO NOT have a legitimate CCW. One of the requirements is KNOWING the law.
2017-05-09 9:23 pm
Concealed Carry Permits do not apply to knives.

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