package 跟packaging 有什麽分別?如果要說獨立包裝應該是哪一個?

2017-05-08 9:43 pm

回答 (3)

2017-05-09 3:20 am
Package==as a noun means parcel, bale,bundle of things packed together.
Packaging==as a present participle which is used as adjective to make into or enclose in a package. Yip
2017-05-09 4:01 pm
food package 是名詞指泛指任何包裹. 而food packaging是動名詞,等於package for food是尃用於食物包装,二個有差别.
独立包装是否指個别包装,即individual package
2017-05-08 10:04 pm
package 是包裝的意思
可以指 包裝的動作 也可以指行李
packaing 是【包裝中】 也可以譯為

如 : single package (白話 但意思通 :/)

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