Since you're unaware that you're pregnant the first few weeks, what happens if you drank in that time?

2017-05-06 9:05 pm

回答 (3)

2017-05-06 9:09 pm
Nothing "happens".

Only Americans seen paranoid about the whole "a single glass of wine will damage the baby" myth; other countries don't have a problem with occasional moderate drinking pregnancy.
2017-05-07 4:25 am
As long as you weren't binge drinking all that time, nothing is likely to happen. If alcohol was so poisonous that a couple of beers could cause miscarriage then a) no one would drink it, and b) the need for medical abortion would not exist.
2017-05-06 9:24 pm
Nothing much. There isn't even an umbilical cord for the first couple of weeks.

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