What do you think the tobacco age should be and why?

2017-05-06 2:09 pm

回答 (9)

2017-05-10 9:21 am
I think tobacco should be illegal because of all the damage it does to the bodies of those who smoke it and those around them (secondhand smoke). Cancer, anyone?
2017-05-06 4:59 pm
in hawaii they did raise it to 21.

i think its fine at 18 as there are worse things than tobacco out there.

but if they had to raise it then maybe 21 i guess

on the other hand tobacco is a stimulant so raising the age for it could affect the future of other stimulants such as anything with caffeine for instance.

it could come to that someday there is an age limit on it even

this is what i predict if the tobacco age changes everywhere in the USA.
2017-05-06 3:21 pm
I think tobacco should be banned, and this is coming from a former smoker whose had her last cigarette on March 28th of this yeah. Cigarettes not only damage your lungs but your heart, your brain, your voice...They smell disgusting and they, once hooked on, can be very hard to quit. If I were you I would stop NOW. Nothing cool or glamorous about a cigarette and you'll have money to spend on better things other than them.
2017-05-06 3:07 pm
as because it is a controversial product.
2017-05-06 5:17 pm
5 because if every kid had their first puff at that age i can guarantee there would be far less smokers in the world.
2017-05-06 2:41 pm
personally if it was up to me tobacco wouldnt exist at all, too many people getting cancer from it
2017-05-06 2:13 pm
I think it should be 18 this year, 19 in 2018, 20 in 2020, 21 in 2022, 22 in 2024, until it's totally phased out a century from now.
2017-05-06 2:12 pm
18 or whatever it is now. i don't smoke but i don't care if someone else does. I think smoking laws are fine the way they are now.
2017-05-06 2:13 pm
Should be illegal too many chemicals nicotine is a stimulant and I can see why it's addictive nd people use it but all that other shyt u may as well do ice

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