How many songs can you burn onto a CD?

2017-05-06 12:47 pm

回答 (8)

2017-05-06 12:57 pm
As CD Audio, so playable in a normal CD player, the limit is the total play duration not any specific number of songs.

Blank discs are usually rated at 80 minutes but some are 70 minute.

With all around three-minute radio length songs, 20-25; with 10 minute long rock epics - not many..

With MP3 discs, it's just how many files fit before it is full..
2017-05-06 4:08 pm
Theoretically there is no limit - it depends on the length of each song. Most CDs will hold 70 to 80 minutes worth of material. It will be marked on the disc or it's packaging.
2017-05-07 5:05 am
Up to 99 tracks.

If each track contained multiple songs,
there would no real limit,
but the total playing time could never be more than 80 minutes,
so each song might have to be very, very short.
2017-05-06 12:48 pm
2017-05-06 9:03 pm
Depends on the storage of the CD being used among other things
2017-05-06 2:03 pm
Lots. How lone each song? about 1 megabyte a minute for MP3, so maybe 700 minutes
2017-05-07 11:01 pm
Depends on the blank CDs you are using. The specs should be printed on top of the CD, but most blank CDs will hold around 80 minutes. So it really depends on the length of the songs you want to burn.
2017-05-07 6:16 pm
Normally cd has 700 mb space. So you can burn upto 700 mb songs. But for good working of cd we normally burn 680 mb of songs on cd. So now it is upto your songs size and you can maximum burn 700nb size songs.
So there is no fix number of songs you can burn on cd.

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