Quadrajet metering rods?

2017-05-06 3:10 am
I bent (and later broke) the metering rods in my quadrajet. it's a post 1975 model with 0.073 jets and 49k rods, which I can't find anywhere. What can I replace them with. It's on a 74 olds engine if that helps.

p.s. please don't say get a new carb, if that was an option I wouldn't be bothering with this.

回答 (2)

2017-05-06 9:18 am
Do a search for carburetor shops or go find an old mechanic with used parts.
2017-05-06 3:36 am
Visit the salvage yard.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:26:09
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