How can I make him trust me ?!?

2017-05-06 2:43 am
I once cheated on my ex boyfriend, we soon later broke up. Not to long after I slept with someone, while I was just meeting my current boy friend. We weren t seeing each other or hanging out at this point so I figured it wasn t an issue. Although I did tell him about it. Almost a year later we are together, and he does not trust me because of past relations. How can I make him trust me? Esspecially after 6 months of seeing each other and 6 months of dating. I know I m not going to mess up but how can I make him see that?! I m not even really allowed to hangout with my friends.

回答 (3)

2017-05-06 2:52 am
I don't think there is anything you can do at this point. After all this time he should trust you, especially because you've never cheated on him. If he's not letting you see your friends, then he's got the problem, not you. I think you should speak to him about how it makes you feel that he doesn't trust you, and if he doesn't top being so controlling over who you see or what you do, you should leave him.
2017-05-06 2:50 am
If he doesn't trust you there's no point in dating him. You can't make him trust you. If you don't get that you're not trustworthy.
2017-05-06 2:44 am

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