Why are republicans so unpopular?

2017-05-06 1:36 am
It seems that whenever we have a republican president or a republican Congress, they are always unpopular and hated. When Bush was president, the media spent 8 years attacking him and he left office with one of the lowest approval ratings of any president. Now we have Trump and he is very unpopular and hated right now as is Congress. Whenever a republican proposes something, most Americans think that it is horrible for this country. I'm not saying that republicans are great, but how are democrats and liberal ideas any better? Both political parties have their flaws and are corrupt, but I don't understand all this hatred toward republicans and conservatism. It seems that whenever we have a democrat in office, they are so loved and the media gloats over them. Bill Clinton and Obama seemed to be treated fairly by the media, but Bush and Trump are despised.

回答 (22)

2017-05-06 2:17 am
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The most-popular president of the last 50 years was Ronald Reagan.....

Reagan infuriated DC insiders and entrenched Democrats like the Kennedy faction by using his popularity to gain bi-partisan support in Congress and to win over traditionally Democratic voters across the country (California voted GOP three times thanks to his influence)...

After Reagan (and the success of another media-savvy President, Bill Clinton) those DC lifers decided that controlling the media narrative was more important than policy in holding onto their power in the Beltway...

When Bush 2.0's numbers spiked after 9/11, the Democrats went "all in" on their hate & anger campaign.....pop media figures who became celebrities because of their ties to the Clintons fell in line and all sung the same tune.. "us good, them baaaad" has been the low-syllable-count tune ever since...
2017-05-06 1:40 am
Seems they are pretty popular given the the last several elections on the national and state levels.
2017-05-06 1:37 am
They're not. A few clowns making noise doesn't make it so. LOL
2017-05-06 1:42 am
It seems that way because the Mainstream News Media is very Liberal and is in the tank for Democrats.

So when the GOP gets power, the MSM goes after them, and because you see that on the news a lot, as well as entertainment programs like the Late Show or SNL, it makes it seem like the GOP is unpopular.

What you have to realize is that the national MSM is made up of mostly coastal Liberal elites, out of places like New York, DC and Los Angeles. They don't represent the views of middle America. They don't understand middle America.

And this perfectly explains why all the MSM was shocked that Trump won! They are out of touch and stuck in their own liberal coastal elite bubble. Hell after the election, the Washington Post even talked about opening news bureaus in areas of the country like they would other countries, because they are so out of touch with middle America.
2017-05-06 1:40 am
Because liberals are delusional. If Republicans were unpopular Democrats would have won the election.
2017-05-06 1:37 am
Just look at their leaders...Trump, McConnell, Ryan etc. I hope that help clear up things.
2017-05-06 1:42 am
To determine the popularity of Democrats, liberals are asked. To determine the popularity of Republicans, liberals are asked. Do you get it now?
2017-05-06 1:41 am
A better question might be "Why are the fools who vote democrat so gullible?" I look at that sociopath Nancy Pelosi and think what kind of a schmuck would vote for a fascist crony of corporatism like that? Worse, who in their right MINDS would vote for a hardcore NAZI like Hillary Clinton?!?

As Jeff Fowworthy has stated: If you vote democrat, you might be a fascist.
2017-05-06 1:42 am
They aren't. Little liberal beta male f@gboys like you are unpopular.
2017-05-06 1:50 am
The media is a left wing propaganda organization. If the story is not negative, they'll make it up so that it is.
2017-05-06 1:39 am
The same way the nazis hated the Jews I suppose
2017-05-06 1:41 am
Republicans govern from the minority. They almost always receive fewer votes than Democrats yet they receive the representation. This is both a byproduct of a two-party system and the fact that they were in control when Congress redrew the districts following the 2010 census (gerrymandering, which continues to be struck down in courts).

For example, Republicans have only won the popular vote for the presidency once since 1988.

In Michigan (home state) the votes for State House are either more for Democrats or roughly split (2014 and 2016), but Republicans have nearly a super-majority in the House and push through deeply conservative agendas that the majority of voters do not want.

Republicans redrew Michigan's 110 state legislative districts in 2010 in such a way that Democratic voters are herded into a small number of districts. The majority of Republican voters, conversely, are spread among a much larger number of districts.

Whoever controls more districts controls the House. Classic gerrymandering. It is legal election theft.
2017-05-06 1:45 am
Unless you consider 30-40 million people supporting Trump as indicating he is "unpopular" I'm afraid you don't understand the concept.
2017-05-06 1:48 am
Republicans seem to have this "sink or swim" mentality that causes them to disregard the poor. That's because they seem to truly believe that anybody can to anything they want to if they try hard enough.

I think most of them truly believe this is the right thing to do: that if you help people, they will turn into leeches, but if you cast them adrift they will become self-sufficient and productive. While there's some truth to that, it's a very simplistic and misleading way to think about people.

Of course, there's also a selfish thread to this among many on the right: "What's mine is mine, and anything that takes that away from me is automatically bad, regardless of the rationale."
2017-05-06 1:41 am
Because they're mean and never do anything to help most Americans.
2017-05-06 1:38 am
I think Republicans are like Andy Kaufman, they just play the guy everyone loves to hate.
In reality tho, people are threatened by a good example. A lilly white Mr. and Mrs. Republican for Perfectville tend to showcase others inadequacies.
2017-05-06 1:40 am
It was a Republican who referred to Trump as a malignant clown. Dislike of Trump has more to do with the man than it does with his party.
2017-05-06 4:57 am
Both Bush and Trump lost the popular vote, which would explain why they are both unpopular.
2017-05-06 2:07 am
These days all politicians are unpopular.
2017-05-06 2:56 am
Moderate Republicans are much better treated. Reagan was liked well enough. Some of his ideas were crap and didn't work, however. And with Trump and congress now trying to say the Reagan Idea of economics will now, suddenly, work, is what has so many upset. It is the definition of insanity to try something over and over again exactly the same way and expect different results. Also, our modern media, in many cases, has a liberal bias, and the fact that most in congress seem to be Far Right people, the media is calling them out, rightly so in my opinion.
Yes, liberals have their faults, all parties do, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green...that is why people need to stop voting 'party' and start voting 'person'.
2017-05-06 2:40 am
Because they hate America.
2017-05-06 1:52 am
They are incompetent buffoons. Failed Republican policies can destroy this country.

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