為什麼at first放開頭不加逗點 但in the end要呢?

2017-05-05 9:45 pm

回答 (2)

2017-05-05 11:21 pm
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At first, he seemed surprised by my question.
I had some difficulty at first recalling why we were there.
at first = initially


I toyed with the idea of calling the police, but in the end I didn't.
Benny thought the president was sincere and sensitive, but, in the end, that's what counts.
參考: 例句取自:Collins CoBuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Third Edition
2017-05-05 11:09 pm
In the end , the adv particle/phrase is used with the verbs in making obvious meanings clearer.

In the end, has the train arrived?
In the end, has she came back?
In the end, is the goods safely in?

In the first place(phrase) in making a list as a beginning, coming before all others in time or order
eg:-At first the problem seemed easy in the office.
eg:-At first the first page of the book is lost(=pt,.pp of lose)
eg:-At first we have to make new year resolution in the first month of the year.
eg:-At first the man who arrived is the assisstant.
eg:-At first the basic principles is burned at the riot.

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