How to read a Shakespeare play?

2017-05-05 9:45 pm
Reading a play is very different from reading a novel. The play script is a skeleton, and I don't know what they should be wearing, or how to picture the places they are In. This is on top of the fact that reading Shakespearian English is hard. Are there any online sources to help me understand? Should I watch a movie version first. What should I do?

回答 (4)

2017-05-07 4:19 am
Just read the plays.
2017-05-05 9:54 pm
Yes, it often helps to watch a performance of the play. Most of the "online sources" are crap. Get a good printed edition of the play with an introductory essay and footnotes by a real Shakespeare scholar. Your library probably has lots of these, and used-book stores often have them for individual plays at very cheap prices.
2017-05-06 2:41 am
1. "Oxford School Shakespeare Series" has a book about each play.

Three general perspectives:

2. Martin Lings' "Shakespeare's Window into the Soul;"

3. Harold Bloom's "Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human;"

4. Peter Ackroyd's "Shakespeare: The Biography;"


5. The "Shakespeare Collection Gift Box Set" has perhaps the best motion picture versions (Cagney's 1930s "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Olivier's "Hamlet," Welles' "Othello").
2017-05-06 1:16 am
If there's a movie on YouTube - Hamlet, etc. - you absolutely have to watch it. In fact, it would be worth your while to rent any Shakespeare movie or see a stage show. It makes all the difference in the world.

A problem is that in writing the screenplay, they're apt to cut things here and there, so be sure to read the play too.

I don't know how much Oliver changed the language of Henry V, but "That's a perilous sound from a pop gun" is not in the original. (Pop gun: a toy gun, seen in the 20th century.)

Isaac Asimov wrote for the general audience, not academics, which made him very suitable as a translator of Shakespeare's English. He wrote a guide to Shakespeare.

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