Am I going to get brain eating amoeba please help!!!!!!?

2017-05-05 7:17 pm
Hello, I've read horor cases in the past of brain eating amoeba and now I'm really worried because, we have a bottle of holy water in my house and my brother was joking around and putting it all over me and some went up my nose, I don't know I I wiped it all off, I only did it tp with my hand now I really worried that I'm going to die from brain eating amoeba, I have no clue where the water came from it might have been purified but I'm not sure!

Is it possible to get the disease from a little bit of water? There were dust particle things in it! Am I safe or should I seek medical attention?

回答 (5)

2017-05-05 7:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you should be safe.
if you dont have the holy water out in the open with out an lid on then chances of amoeba is pretty low
im sure its purified and even blessed if its holy water, if you are still worried symptons of amorba include fever, abdominal pain, pain around the liver, blood within diarrhea of mucus
2017-05-05 9:23 pm
You will NOT catch anything from the water. Stop being a hypochondriac and repeatedly posting silly questions.
2017-05-05 8:11 pm
stop reading garbage and your not gonna get it
2017-05-05 7:48 pm
You need to get treatment .... for your hypochondria.
You are in NO danger from that water.
2017-05-05 7:32 pm
No. If you live in a modernized country like the U.S. the UK etc there is a 0.001% chance you would get anything from any kind of water. Be it holy or otherwise. You're being paranoid, don't worry about it.

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