How do you keep your mind off things that hurt you?

2017-05-04 11:16 pm

回答 (255)

2017-05-05 12:18 am
keep yourself occupied
don't listen to or be around things/people that remind you of the hurt

i've been date raped so i have to stay out of areas and from around people that me think of the person to keep my mind off of him and what he did
2017-05-05 3:08 am
All you can do really is do things that make you happy and keep busy
2017-05-06 2:41 am
My faith leads me in this life. I will always think about situations but then give it up to God in trust that his plans for us all have reason. There is deep sorrow that is part of life, we cant change people but we can still love and remember what is good.
2017-05-06 2:36 am
Keep busy
2017-05-05 6:10 am
Distract myself by buying a gift for myself or for someone else and going to the gym.
2017-05-07 3:58 am
Occupy yourself
2017-05-06 9:48 pm
MY personal method is to indulge in oil painting OR photography; both activities are soothing, relaxing and therapeutic, like a mini-vacation to re-create peace of mind and relaxation.
2017-05-06 8:17 pm
keep myself busy
2017-05-06 6:47 am
Everyone has their own way.
2017-05-06 2:06 pm
Keeping myself occupied. Go out with family or friends and do fun activities :)

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