What is the best anime you have ever watched?

2017-05-04 7:45 am

回答 (22)

2017-05-06 3:03 pm
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wow the mainstream anime is real here, well mine is probably a tie between ouran high-school host club and maybe soul eater although my favorite echi has got to be kissXSis
2017-05-05 2:02 am
One Piece and Mushishi.

One Piece is an adventure story with a lot of action, comedy, superb character development and good story telling. It is very long, but since it keeps superb quality throughout that's a good thing.

Mushishi is a thoughtful, episodic fantasy anime with a focus on folk lore, fascinating fantasy creatures, beautiful music, and questions about what it is to be human.
2017-05-05 11:35 pm
Cowboy Bebop
2017-05-08 10:19 am
Parasyte the maxim, hands down it was the best and most underrated anime i have ever watched.
2017-05-05 10:05 am
Naruto Shippuden is the BEST ANIME OF ALL TIME 💯
2017-05-10 9:53 am
One Piece, Elfen Lied, Nana and Kanon
2017-05-10 8:46 am
Hunter X Hunter is one of my all time favorites & a good throw back too is Neon Genesis Evangelion.
2017-05-08 8:17 am
Dead Man Wonderland
2017-05-08 2:54 am
Naruto and Naruto shippuden. Those anime shows actually helped me deal with depression.
2017-05-04 2:55 pm
In terms of sadness, the Clannad without a question. In terms of emotional roller coaster, tie between Peach Girl and Highschoo DxD. (Yes i get very invested into the characters). In terms of general favourite Say "i love you" nice short series you can watch in a day
2017-05-04 10:26 am
sword art online. **** impressed me. but only the first season. saw second season because Im a fan.

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