i have a 4 month old pit bull puppy this morning he is laying lifeless wont eat or drink he has light bloody mucus coming out of his bottom?

2017-05-04 3:08 am

回答 (40)

2017-05-04 3:11 am
I hope you realized that his life was in a lot of danger and hauled it to the vet
參考: common sense
2017-05-04 9:53 pm
Dog will definitely die if not treated. Dog might die if treated.
2017-05-04 8:11 am
It Sounds Like Parvo. I Looked Up Ways To Help With Parvo: You Have To Keep Him Hydrated And Give AntiAbiotics. Even Doing This Your Puppy May Die If You Don't Act Soon Enough. These Items Are Easily Available At A Vet. It Cost Me $250. I Had A Puppy And Took It To The Vet The Day After She Was Showing Symptoms, And She Died The Next Day. The Sooner You Treat The Better Chance Your Puppy Has On Living. You Might Want To Hospitalize, Because It Ia A Lot Of Work: You Will Have To Force Feed And Hydrate With IV About Evey Two Hours. You May Not Have Time For That.
2017-05-04 3:09 am
Yet, here you are on Yahoo Answers! instead of a vet? And you have children?
2017-05-05 7:35 am
Two choices - get him to a vet NOW or dig a hole in your backyard to bury the poor puppy.
2017-05-04 10:49 pm
He obviously needs a vet.
2017-05-05 7:27 am
It sounds like he has Parvo. Why are you on Yahoo Answers anyways? You should be on your way to a vet or already be at one!
2017-05-04 3:20 am
Being a responsible dog owner requires you to take care of your dog. If you have failed to get the series of puppy shots, it is likely Parvo. The puppy shots are to protect the pup from puppy hood diseases. Parvo is deadly & can kill a pup in just a matter of days.

Why have to taken the time to navigate to this site & post this question as your dog lays there dying? Why aren't you at the Vets office for this EMERGENCY? Nothing we can do. Take the dog to a Vet. It is against the law to NOT take a sick or wounded animal to the Vet. This is considered abuse & animal abuse is under Federal Jurisdiction & it is a Federal charge of animal abuse. High fines & jail time. Yep, dog abuse is no longer up to the individual states any more.

This may be just someone trolling & have a made up story that isn't any where near true.
2017-05-04 3:09 am
The fact that he is lifeless would lead me to believe that it is dead.
2017-05-04 5:57 pm
Better start digging a hole .
2017-05-06 11:56 pm
Sounds like parvo... you need to get your pit bull to the vet before it's too late. I hope it will be okay. Praying for you
2017-05-05 6:49 pm
That sounds like parvo or worms
2017-05-05 8:32 am
Please take your dog to the vet. He seems very ill and is in serious need of medical attention. Best of luck-
2017-05-04 3:14 am
Get him to the vet! Call first though because it could be parvo.
2017-05-06 5:13 am
Take him to the vet immediately!!! Don't waste time asking a bunch of strangers online! What are you crazy?!!!
2017-05-06 2:16 am
i agree...go to the vet and not yahoo answers
2017-05-06 1:31 am
2017-05-06 12:43 am
Take him to the vet
2017-05-05 7:37 pm
that sounds like a protoza, a sort of brain disease please take him to the vet, and HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL POSTING THIS WHEN YOUR PUPPY IS DYING!???
2017-05-05 10:32 am
Go to the animal hospital asap, seriously
2017-05-05 8:08 am
Veterinarian NOW and hope you're not too late!
2017-05-05 3:55 am
Vet. Just... Just go to the vet. Do you even have to ask? Just take him to the vet, it sounds very serious and could be related to several things including Parvo.
2017-05-05 3:24 am
Take him to a vet.
2017-05-04 10:53 pm
Take your pet to the vet and don't worry about costs. They will explain everything to you. They are the experts.
2017-05-04 10:40 pm
Take your pup to a vet.
2017-05-04 7:54 pm
Please go to the vet immediately! Could he have gotten into something poisonous?
2017-05-04 3:18 pm
Take your pup to a vet.
2017-05-04 7:11 am
Then either get it to a vet , or start diggin a good deep hole
2017-05-04 11:26 am
😕 first of all.. sorry about all the rude people out there! F--- em!
Ok, so I have a 5 yr yorkie and he came down with parvovirus ( and HE DID get ALL his shots trolls) anyways- still came down with it.. took him to the vet and the vet said to pretty much keep him comfortable and that he'd probably pass. There was NO WAY in hell I was gonna let that happen with out a fight! I took off the next 3 days from work and nursed him back to life!!
You'll need: Pedialyte, pepto bismol, lots of dog pee pads ( BECUZ he will be so sick - both ways out!) get a syringe and force liquids down him every 2 hours! They are so lethargic and will want to hide! So make him a comfortable place to lay, maybe with a toy. Boiled eggs and bland white rice will be good too! I'm so sorry about your baby! When I took my pup back to the vet.. he couldn't believe my pup made it through an agonizing whole 6 days!!!!!
Good luck! If you have any questions.. I'm here!
2017-05-04 3:09 am
Either dig a hole in the yard or take him to a vet. You decide.
2017-05-07 11:07 pm
I don't believe that this question is real
2017-05-07 4:16 am
He will probably die without medical treatment. PLEASE take him to the vet.
2017-05-07 3:00 am
stop lying
2017-05-07 1:10 am
You are a moron, aren't you? Or just a troll?
2017-05-06 2:29 pm
when you've got a puppy, you really need to check up to the vet to know if your puppy was healthy, other symptons.....
2017-05-06 8:50 am
wow, lifeless and you are writing on this instead of rushing to a vet or humane society...i smell troll on this one...or if not, your dog must be dead now.
2017-05-06 2:45 am
At least call animal hosp and talk to tech
2017-05-05 11:51 pm
Definitely could be Parvo. Go to get NOW. Not selfish monster. My rescue had same symptoms. 30 days in hospital with Parvo! Survived!
2017-05-05 9:52 am
He is having a wet dream, so leave him alone.
2017-05-05 1:42 am
You are a selfish monster!!!!

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