Why i have low grade fever?

2017-05-03 12:35 pm
Hi i am 16 yr old (boy) and in the morning i wake up with body aches and weaknes and now i am feeling low grade fever with mild nausea . I dont have runny nose.

回答 (3)

2017-05-03 12:40 pm
Go drink some water
2017-05-04 12:12 am
1.) Take medication according to symptoms and consult a doctor
2.) Drink Plenty of Water
3.) Eat Extremely Healthy
4.) Exercise
5.) Let it Heal Up By Itself Naturally
6.) Try Over The Counter Stuff like Cough Drops (optional)
7.) Find Something Fun To Do For The Time Being- Anything You Love and Wouldn't Be Left Bored
8.) Stay Happy With Absolute No Stress or Anxiety :)
2017-05-03 12:36 pm
Idk man k man. Jeez man your ignorant for real you think everyone gonna know the dam answer whenever you ask your very ignorant bud. Go back to preschool and learn dam manners jerk

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