Where can I find hair salon in London Ontario?

2017-05-03 12:19 am
I've been looking for a hair salon to cut my hair, however it's hard to find one that can offer a private room for hijab wearers. I don't mind if its an actual hair salon or at home salon, but do you know of any place that offers such? I live in London Ontario btw. Thanks!

回答 (2)

2017-05-03 1:32 am
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After poking around online for ten minutes, I'm surprised to find nothing near you--and I doubt you want to drive to Waterloo or Toronto for hair services, right?

My only suggestion would be to find a place online or in person where women in your area who wear hijab might gather. Certainly some of them have found good hair salons with privacy for the clientele who require it.
2018-02-27 1:37 pm
You should go to google search.I m suggested you check it http://salonninesf.com

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