What would you name your first kid?

2017-05-02 4:22 am

回答 (16)

2017-05-02 4:31 am
Weasel Jr.
2017-05-02 4:29 am
I am a millennial, we dont have kids. we are too busy focusing on our personal lives and our terrible jobs
2017-05-02 4:28 am
Tye (tanic)
2017-05-02 9:17 am
2017-05-02 4:43 am
#1 - Eric Charles

#2 - Bryan Cameron

#3 - Gregory Terence

We aren't having any more children.
2017-05-02 4:41 am
2017-05-02 4:38 am
Since i come from an old world family ots tradition that i name them from my parents. For a boy? Frank after my father. For a girl? Sally because it was my mothers name.
2017-05-02 4:30 am
Bubba Joe Jim Bob.
2017-05-02 4:27 am
2017-05-02 4:26 am
Adolf Hitler
2017-05-02 4:25 am
Nickoläi Ivan or Bella Azure.
2017-05-02 4:24 am
Skippy...be it boy or girl.
2017-05-02 4:24 am
I know what we did name our first child, but I am not going to disclose it on here.
2017-05-02 4:24 am
2017-05-02 4:32 am
We named him Landon
2017-05-02 4:26 am
Keiren is what my Cousin has just called her baby,so something like that perhaps.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:24:03
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