Do I have some sort of an anxiety disorder?

2017-05-02 4:06 am
Below I are two lists- one supporting that I might have anxiety and one against it. I don't want to self diagnose myself with a disorder, but at the same time I think I might be dealing with a serious problem here.

Evidence I might have anxiety:
1. I check and re-check things all the time, such as my car lights (to make sure they are not left on, sometimes in the middle of the night I will wake up in a panic to make sure). I read e-mails around 10 times before I send them, even if they are to just a friend
2. I have high levels of stress about stupid things, like the organization of my files and photos on my computer.
3. I avoid social interaction and only have one friend (who no longer lives in the area, so very little face to face interaction).
4. I can't complete any task without the approval of a parent, teacher, or boss.
5. I have muscle tension and grind my teeth at night. I'll often realize that I've been clenching a certain muscle without realizing it.
6. I'm CONSTANTLY tired. I'll go to bed at 10:30 ish, wake up at 7:00 am, go to school, and that afternoon be exhausted and (if I let myself) sleep for 2-5 hours in the afternoon.
7. I think I'm depressed

Evidence that I might not: 1. I do very well in school. 2. I've been told that I am highly articulate and mature for my age (18 now, but I've heard it since I was 12). Not really true in my opinion- I hate talking to others and get nervous even approaching a boss or teacher. 3. I am highly articulate in my writings (according to my teachers and counselors) 4. If there is a task I am familiar with (washing dishes at the restaurant I work at, for example), I can complete with proficiency.

回答 (2)

2017-05-02 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Go see a psychiatrist and find out for sure.
2017-05-02 8:14 am
Tell a dr. how you feel. There are good meds for anxiety and stress.

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