The woman who invited to the meeting was my uant. The woman that was invited to the meeting was my uant. 哪句對 為什麼?

2017-05-01 10:55 pm

回答 (3)

2017-05-01 11:06 pm
第二句(作為修飾語的形容詞子句用了被動態動詞was invited)比較正確,因為invite是「及物動詞」不能沒有受詞(第一句的invited沒有受詞。但兩個主要動詞宜用現在簡單式:"is" my aunt。因為這是不隨時間變化的事實,除非my aunt已經過世了。

The women who invited you to the meeting is my aunt.
2017-05-02 1:27 pm
The woman who (was )invited to the meeting was my aunt. =The woman that was invited to the ……=The woman invited to the ……以上三句皆可,惟本句主詞冗長有頭重腳輕之嫌,建議改成My aunt was the woman who was invited to ……
2017-05-02 9:09 am

1. The woman who invited to the meeting...用錯動詞的主動句式,the woman who invited...意思便是"這女人是(過去時態)主動邀請人來參加會議/會面,但句子後半部的意思沒有符合句式的受詞,沒有她邀請的是誰或其麼to the meeting。又或者她其實不是會議/會面的主持或主辦人。

2. The woman that was invited to the meeting這前句的文法和句式意思是這女人是被邀請來這會議/會面,但連接詞that則不對,因為她是"人",所以應該是用who。

The woman who was invited to the meeting was my aunt.

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