The boy who is watching TV is my brother That boy who is watching TV is my brother 以上兩句如果要翻成""那個正在看電視的男孩是我的哥哥",哪一句才是對的?

2017-05-01 7:24 pm

回答 (3)

2017-05-02 9:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文跟中文的句式意義有時需要按語境和句子的作用來"翻譯",假如你要說明中文的"那個正在看電視的男孩是我的哥哥",反過來說那麼英文便應該是That boy who is watching TV is my brother.

由於英文The boy...是一種客觀描述的意思,這種英文寫法並沒有指明是"空間感"的"這裏"還是"那裏",當然要翻便要加上譯者對句子和文化的認識。就句子本身而言,The boy who is watching TV is my brother我便會譯成:這個正在看電視的男孩是我的哥哥",假設這句子是作者說話時的情景,那正在看電視的人是就在眼前,因此就算是中文句法也可以區分"就在眼前"的"這個"而未必會用相對"遙遠"或者"意念"上的"那個"。當然假如英文句子的句式或含意改變,中文的翻譯便要調節。例如都是說一個男孩是你哥,但句子形容他是「正在駕駛飛機」或者形容「他是一個在某大學的科學家」,由於所形容的處境跟說話時的空間有些"距離"或者"不是能看見他"的話,中文才會習慣用"那個"人。
2017-05-02 12:28 am
The boy who is watching TV is my brother (O)

That boy who is watching TV is my brother. (X)
2017-05-01 9:12 pm
Types of adjective clauses:-
(1)The boy who is watching TV is my brother
=an adj cl. to distinguish some other boys from the group,
Not clear if not mine.
defining clause.

(2)That boy ,who is watching TV, is my brother
=all describe one boy
almost an adjective clause situated
only adds additional information to no other but elder brother;
(elder) brother=my brother;
non-defining clause with "that"as well as the quotation marks "-----" or enclosing words quoted as seen;
"That boy"=elder brother=my brother.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:33:32
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