whats your favorite way to waste time?

2017-05-01 2:30 am

回答 (18)

2017-05-01 2:36 am
Browse internet
Play piano
Eat food
2017-05-01 9:39 am
I'm on here aren't I big ole waste of time "usually" but sometimes I do run into people who do act like they need help then I don't look at it as wasted time at all
2017-05-01 9:34 am
Yahoo Answers, watching random videos on youtube
2017-05-01 6:01 am
At my age 83 there isn't much time to lose,But I suppose being on the net wastes time.
2017-05-01 4:37 am
Watch my DVDs
2017-05-01 4:08 am
Y!A, for Me👀sure😂sure😂
2017-05-01 2:52 am
Yahoo Answers and playing Diep.io
2017-05-01 2:50 am
Video games... Aimless Internet surfing... Forums and Yahoo Answers...
2017-05-01 2:41 am
Play with my Cat
Watch kdramas, music
Think stupid thoughts
2017-05-01 2:40 am
Yahoo Answers .
2017-05-01 2:35 am
2017-05-01 2:34 am
Yahoo Answers.
2017-05-01 2:34 am
2017-05-01 2:32 am
By not wasting time.. mine..nor anyone,else's..it's precious*..~*
2017-05-01 2:31 am
Browsing Instagram and finding new music on Spotify.
2017-05-01 2:31 am
I never waste time. I don't have time to waste.
2017-05-01 2:31 am
play on the computer
watch tv
listen to music
eat food
2017-05-01 2:31 am
answer questions.

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