
2017-04-30 8:43 pm
Depreciation is not a cash transaction. It represents an estimared allocation of cost consumed in a given financial year.

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2017-05-01 12:53 am
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Depreciation is not a cash transaction. It represents an estimated allocation of cost consumed in a given financial year.


其實如果理解折舊的意思 應該就懂這在說什麼

assets有tangible assets 和 intangible assets
而tangible assets 會隨時間而耗損
所以每年都要把depreciation cost 加入資產負債表中 以便計算資產的現值

“Depreciation is an accounting convention that allows a company to write-off the value of an asset over time, but it is considered a non-cash transaction.” (from: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/depreciation.asp )

hope this helps.
2017-04-30 9:16 pm
Depreciation is not a cash transaction.
折舊 不是 一筆 現金交易

It represents an estimated allocation of cost consumed in a given financial year.
它代表了 一筆 在一個經濟年度裡 對成本的消費 的預估配額.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 02:29:10
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