If you're scheduled a 7 and a half hour shift at Home Depot do you get 2 breaks and a lunch or just 1 break and a lunch?

2017-04-30 2:16 pm

回答 (4)

2017-04-30 7:46 pm
Under US Federal law, you ARE NOT entitled to ANY breaks. Some STATES have laws requiring breaks, but they are NOT consistent in the rules. Absent a stated jurisdiction, the ONLY legitimate answer is "Ask your manager".
2017-04-30 7:26 pm
I think you would get 2 breaks and a lunch
2017-04-30 2:57 pm
There is no entitlement to breaks. They are given at the employer's option. You are entitled to a full hour (lunch or dinner) for every 8 hours worked. So, ask what you get - what they plan to give you.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2017-04-30 2:56 pm

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