Do you eat cereal without milk sometimes?

2017-04-30 12:22 pm
I sure do

回答 (59)

2017-04-30 12:31 pm
sometimes i get the cereal out of the box
2017-05-01 6:20 am
yes...when i'm out of!
2017-05-03 3:36 pm
yes sometimes
2017-05-03 7:25 am
yes!! :)
2017-05-03 6:35 am
2017-05-02 6:47 pm
Yes. It makes a great snack to crunch on sometimes.
2017-05-02 1:46 am each n their own* if u enjoy it without milk...go for it :)
2017-05-01 9:16 pm
Yes, and sometimes with yogurt.
2017-05-01 2:40 pm
Nah - I never eat cereal
2017-05-01 10:18 am
Maybe a handful, but not a whole bowl.

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