英文意思 英文影片 翻譯?

2017-04-28 9:54 pm
影片25秒的那句 I didn t ???to
是在講什麼 owned you to ?還是 owe you to. ?還是別的
own to 可以分開?
想說是不是外國比較口語的用詞 說法?
可以的話幫忙舉一些外國 俚語 像是you are the one =you do one跟I need you =I need ya

回答 (2)

2017-04-29 9:31 am
I didn't owe to=feel the necessity of gratitude to=I didn't owe it to you that I am still loving you=I owe a great deal to you=owe you to (=as poster from you,Po-yee the boy.)you are the one=you do one;I need you=I need ya.
2017-04-28 10:32 pm
boy: I didn't want you to.

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