Will my dad let me stay home from school tomorrow?

2017-04-27 8:53 am
I am so stressed. I have a big algebra test tomorrow and its so hard. Im pretty sure Im going to fail. There are so many methods of solving I have to know and its so confusing. I crumped up my homework because I got so angry and stressed. I cant do my homework because once I try, I start to cry and have to stop. I start to cry every 5 minutes. My dad knows Im on my period and really stuggling with math. Do you think he will let me stay home from school if I tell him how stressed I am and have a big test tomorrow? Or should I fake sick

回答 (3)

2017-04-27 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Take the test tomorrow. Do it in waves - go through and answer all those that you know how to do, then come back and look for others you might be able to do. Remember, on most tests all questions count the same, and any question you answer is better than nothing. As Laurie says, even the lowest F is better than a zero.

Running from problems is habit forming... soon you will feel you can't do anything. The essence of being an adult is there is no King's X. Power through and be proud of doing it, regardless of the score. Cry if you must, but press on. Fighting a losing battle is more glorious than fighting a winning battle.
2017-04-27 11:29 am
You should go and take the test. Even if you don't get a terrific grade, the stress will be relieved.

If you pull these stunts in college, you will get hopelessly behind and, eventually, fail.
Here are two rules to always remember:

Anything is better than a zero.
Never turn in an assignment (or take a test) late.
2017-04-27 9:09 am
Nope. That's not the way to solve this.
Go get a cup of tea and a tylenol, and ask Dad to help you study.
Plenty of women have had their period, and conquered all sorts of things.
If you need a tutor, ask for one. Algebra isn't easy, and if it isn't your thing, you could probably do with some extra help. The only way to get that is to ask for it- so tell Dad, and talk to your teacher. For tonight, do what you can, study the stuff you actually understand, and try your best on the rest. Test are to find out what you have learned- and if you aer in trouble, as for help doing better. Your dad and your teacher will want that. But you don't get to curl up in a ball, just because of that. Sorry.

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