My son was not diagnosed with autism, but he seems to have very autistic hobbies and behaviors. Why?

2017-04-27 6:09 am
I have had him tested several times and he does rank on the spectrum for autism or Asperger's, but he has so many traits.

His hobbies: he has memorized Pi up to 300 digits, he can remember the year of birth of just about anyone; he's memorized several poems by British Romantic poets and recites them at the same time every morning; he also likes to recite the presidents in order and the monarchs of Britain in order. I hear him doing this while he's getting ready in the bathroom.

He's rather shy, but polite and pleasant and often breaks eye contact. He's poor at maths but has an exceptionally high verbal IQ and devours literature.

Why so many autistic traits in a teen who did not get diagnosed as autistic or asperger's by more than one psychiatrist?

In the first paragraph, I meant to say "NOT rank on the spectrum."

回答 (5)

2017-05-09 9:00 am
its not uncommon for gifted kids to have some autistic like traits

but you specify he has a high VERBAL IQ does that mean his performance iq is average or low?. sometimes times a gap between verbal iq and performance iq can be a sign of something call non-verbal learning disability (despite the name nvld kids are often very verbal. they have difficulties with non verbal information)( ) it shares some traits with autism but its not autism. check out the link. above and also this link
2017-04-27 8:17 am
Literally nothing you list here is an autistic trait. Not. One. Single. Thing.

You've a very narrow and ignorant view of what autism means if you believe these are autistic hobbies and behaviors - nothing you list here is autism-specific, and we Autistic people are as varied as neurotypical people. Your son is shy, intelligent, and a bit of a nerd...not Autistic, and those things aren't specific to Autistic people. He wasn't diagnosed Autistic as he isn't Autistic.
2017-04-28 7:50 am
You are a horrible mother!
2017-04-27 7:17 am
wow, congratulations on having an unusual yet normal as tested child! I would go with normal. yay normal!!!!
2017-04-27 7:51 am
Read the book, Healing and Preventing Autism by Dr. Kartzinel.

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