One or two nipple piercings?

2017-04-27 3:57 am
I'm a girl :) thoughts?

回答 (12)

2017-04-27 4:15 am
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I suggest you pierce one. Wait see how it feels and if your planning to wear a bra. If after a day or three it feels fine then go for both. Thats kinda hot pierced nipples😈
2017-04-27 3:58 am
I think nipples are just fine without them
2017-04-27 3:58 am
2017-04-27 3:58 am
what a waste of perfectly designed nipples
2017-04-27 3:57 am
2017-04-27 5:45 am
I say if you are going to get your nipples pierced you might as well go and get both of them pierced because if not then it would look very loop-sided. I would suggest getting both.
2017-04-27 4:06 am
Two for symmetry.
2017-04-27 4:23 am
ouch? or ouch ouch? you decide.
2017-04-27 4:04 am
2017-04-27 4:00 am
two, sexay! ;)
2017-04-27 3:58 am
One tbh encase you want to take it out. But two would look better under a shirt.
2017-04-27 4:11 am
I think, nipple piercings are disgusting - but hey, it's your body.

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