Do you think that light speed is achievable for humans and what the reasoning and science in your claim? Thank You?
回答 (5)
No, humans have mass, only mass-less objects can go the speed of light.
Probably not...... but at least we have science fiction to keep us leaning on the horn of history - trying to make science go faster.
No, humans have mass, only mass-less objects can go the speed of light.
What I think really doesn't matter, but based on our current understanding, I think it is essentially impossible to achieve. There is not enough energy around to allow that to happen. The energy requirements increase exponentially as one approaches the speed of light. I doubt we will ever achieve decimal-level speeds (that is, tenths of the speed of light). Possibly the lower end of that range but even that will be very difficult.
It might be possible to get an object into that lower range, using gravitational slingshot or other methods, but the conditions to which the object would have to be exposed would be difficult to withstand for any life or man-made artifacts. there are space objects which approach light speed, but they are ejected from stars. Thus, conceivably, we could get that magnitude of energy to propel a spaceship or something up toward light speed, but it is hard to imagine how.
possibley quantum physics could lead to teleportation im not an expert but theoretically people think if you could measure all the particles in your body in its current arrangement and then reassemble that exactly how it was somewhere else that you would of teleported but they dont know whether or not that would be a different person reconstructed at other end. and this really isnt going the speed of light either since you would have to already have the particles and reconstructer at the other end
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:22:50
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