How have kids changed throughout the years? They are a lot different than they were 30 years ago imo?

2017-04-27 12:42 am

回答 (6)

2017-04-27 12:48 am
I think kids these days are blinded by and addicted to technology.
2017-04-27 12:59 am
Technology has had a major impact in my opinion.
2017-04-27 12:50 am
Absolutely. No morals, no goals, and no empathy.
2017-04-27 12:49 am
I find kids these days are a lot less adventurous than we were, also less curious about the world around them. I've always been interested in how things work, these seems absent in many of today's youngsters.
2017-04-27 12:51 am
They have and I think the biggest catalyst for that change has been the internet and 24 hour TV. When I was a kid, 'kid shows' were maybe a couple hours a day. That's it. And you only had three or four channels. There were no computer games and no internet. The only alternative you had was to go outside and do something. There was NOTHING to do inside. So you were active, imaginative and did all sorts of things that kids today do not or have not done.

And while you could say, "Well, don't let them...(internet/TV/computer games)." These things are pervasive. If not their house, they'll go to a friend's. And if you're trying hard to enforce this prohibition, it is nearly impossible. You're ALWAYS the bad guy. My parents were never the bad guy. They didn't have to enforce any of that. There was simply nothing to enforce.

It's made a huge difference.
2017-04-27 12:45 am
Every human on this earth changes..generation after generation..

Some for the best...some..for the less & the very worst...all in just..

who it is,you ..yourself,are.~*

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