Vertical and Horizontal Asymptotes Results in Real Numbers or Infinity?

2017-04-26 11:02 pm
I need to know that what are the application rules for a horizontal and vertical asyms i mean if you get results from a vertical asym should they be in real numbers or infinity or should both of them be infinity or real numbers or one to be real number and other result be in infinity
same goes for horizontal asym.

回答 (2)

2017-04-26 11:21 pm
I would imagine the results could be real numbers or infinity, because an asymptote to a function lies on real points on a plane as well as if the function stretches to infinity then an asymptote could always go just as far.
2017-04-26 11:15 pm
Well, for horizontal asymptotes as you move further out the curve is like "(±∞, k)" for some real number k, and for vertical asymptotes points far away on the curve are like "(k, ±∞)". I put those in quotes because ∞ is not a number and those are not points. But, perhaps they give you the idea.
Also, it is possible to have an asymptote that goes to +∞ but not to -∞, or vice versa.
Finally, slant asymptotes as well as curved asymptotes (i.e. approaching a curve instead of a straight line) are possible.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:22:16
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