I have bought my 17 Year old daughter her first new car. It is registered in my name,insured with her as a named driver. Is this illegal?

2017-04-25 11:15 pm

回答 (9)

2017-04-26 1:43 am
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Of course it's legal. In fact, that is your only option. At 17 years of age your daughter is not eligible to engage in a legal contact such as a motor vehicle insurance policy. She has to be a named driver on your policy at least until she is of legal age. You have an insurable in the vehicle so all is legit.
2017-04-25 11:48 pm

But remember, it is YOUR car, not hers, and YOU are responsible for any damages SHE might cause.

So make sure she is TRAINED CORRECTLY
2017-04-25 11:48 pm
If it were illegal, your insurance company would not have sold you the policy.
2017-04-25 11:34 pm
No that is the correct way to do it. She is too young to be on the title or sign a binding contract with the insurance company. Nothing else you could do really.
2017-04-27 10:15 am
Even at 18 she can still be on your insurance policy I'm 18 and my jeep is in my paps name and I'm on his insurance policy I'm planing on get my own insurance policy when I have a better job so yes it's perfectly legal
2017-04-26 5:06 am
Yes it's legal.

Technically it's still your car. You have just given her permission to drive it, and notified the insurance company that this is the situation. So it's all above board.

The only way you might get in trouble is if you "forget" to tell the insurance company she is a regular driver. Some people try this to get a cheaper rate. But if they have to make a claim, the insurance company might deny coverage. But you have told them shes driving it, so you are in the clear there.

When she's older, you can sign the title over to her and she can get her own insurance, but until then there isn't a problem with the way thing are.
2017-04-26 1:12 am
It's the way it is done in my country , I have no idea what your countries laws are
2017-04-25 11:23 pm
No.She is a minor and you have the insurable interest.
2017-04-26 12:27 am
No because she is not eligible for her own insurance policy until age 18. That you bought her a new car is stupid perhaps, but not illegal.

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