Do guys like VCH?

2017-04-24 12:07 pm
I have one and I love it. I've had it for 2 yeara... do guys find them gross, awesome or never seen them?

回答 (2)

2017-04-24 12:45 pm
Anything a male or female does to enhance their body is sexy - a positive thing. Generally speaking society has such a thing against women who are confident or comfortable with their sexuality. We are trained to look down on or dismiss it as wrong.... Then other bitches and their jealousy - damn that gets ruthless. To me a women has to have a lot of pride, confidence and "courage"? (Poor word) to be willing to openly admit she is not ashamed. That attitude/confidence is what is the most attractive. I am bias though, I am a piercer.
2017-04-24 12:28 pm
I have never been with a lady with one and it would be interesting

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