Do you think anyone is truly happily married? Seems that many people just pretend.?

2017-04-24 11:33 am

回答 (10)

2017-04-24 1:50 pm
Yes some are & some aren't, that goes for just about anything in life
2017-04-24 8:07 pm
Well, I am happily married, so obviously it's possible.
2017-04-24 6:41 pm
Many are but all people have ups and downs
2017-04-24 5:34 pm
I think ALOT of couples UP-play the "happy marriage" scheme(b.s. act when in company of friends/family & work associates). It gives naïve and other sucker individuals a "front" very much unlike the average "Less than perfect" couple. What I REALLY cant stand the most about FAKE situations like the more kiss ***, disgusting, attention needing/seeking, obvious LIARS some of them are...its hard to backfire on them in other peoples eyes......just saying- lol
2017-04-24 2:57 pm
I suppose 1% might be. But the rest are lying.
2017-04-24 1:26 pm
Yes. But the young don't understand that marriage isn't a fairy tale love story. It's not all sugar and spice and everything nice. It take works to sustain because there are times when it is difficult, but when you can resolve these differences you regain the happiness of being together. Its just most younger people don't have the patience to overcome adversity because they lack foresight to understanding the happiness that exists in the bigger picture of having someone to grow old with.
2017-04-24 12:25 pm
Many of us feel blessed and fortunate and live in gratitude that our partner loves us and is willing to spend THEIR life at our side and as our helpmate through life. That's a really big thing.

Marriage isn't a fairy tale or a good day at a theme park. Happiness is far more a personal decision than anything your spouse can deliver for you. That's what's true.
2017-04-24 11:52 am
yes married life is an opportunity to start your new binding of life with your partner and its depends to understanding both partner to make a happily life
2017-04-24 11:35 am
Only a few.
2017-04-24 11:34 am
very few

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