I am so fed up with my son!! Advice needed?

2017-04-24 10:26 am
I am so tired of my son! He is 20 years old and acts like a child. He graduated but barely. He hasn't had a job since. All he's ever done is play on his computer and talk to his online friends and read anime. He doesn't know basic needs or how to balance a checkbook, he's bad at Math too. I think he's depressed and always struggled with it. He has ADHD and stopped taking his medication years ago because they made him emotional and sick. He has tried a special medical school where it's a little easier for people who aren't as intelligent. Anyway, he says he doesn't mind getting a job but he's too anxious about working. I think deep down he wants to better himself but he's negative. He told me before medical school that he wouldn't like it and it wasn't worth the money. And he stopped going it within 2 months, and now I'm stuck paying 2000 dollars for his schooling that he's not even doing. He doesn't care about ANYTHING. If I kicked him out it wouldn't work because he just says he'll just live homeless and still not get his crap together. Our family is always asking me what he's been up to, and then they all talk about him like he's a loser. All he talks about to me is some comic book character and how pretty he is, and I am tired of it. I admit I wasn't the best mother, I was young and neglected him often. But, he isn't my responsibility anymore. He's an adult and I love him because he's my son, but what am I supposed to about him? What is wrong with him? Is he mental?

回答 (6)

2017-04-24 10:30 am
you have trained him to be lazy and unmotivated. switch off his main source of joy-the internet. since he is not working, i assume you are paying for it therefore unless he starts to motivate himself towards a job and chores around the house, he doesnt get it at all. stop paying his bills and treating him like a child. tell him he has a problem and needs help other than your purse strings.
2017-04-24 10:30 am
"...they all talk about him like he's a loser." That's because he is. If he's 20 years old with no job, something is horribly wrong. Tell him to stop being a little b-tch and get a job. You're no better as a mother for allowing it to get this far.
2017-04-24 10:47 am
i would tell him he needs to find a job to pay you back the 2000 or he will need to find another place to stay
2017-04-24 10:39 am
No matter what his problem is your spoiling him rotten. Take the computer, take the games, take the phone and hide them away. Tell him to get out and work. Doesn't matter if he's painting someone's fence or cleaning their garage for 20 bucks. He needs to pay rent to you and start to make his own way in life.
2017-04-24 10:32 am
Honestly. It sounds like your expecting a lot, he is TWENTY. I know he is getting up there but some people just need a break until they are ready to get out there and back to school. Maybe try bonding with him he sounds like he needs you more than ever.. I know it's hard when you expect him to be getting a job and focusing on his career but take him to a movie or try finding some interest into his activities to bond and get a connection and relationship with him.. he is nothing you should be ashamed of he is your son and your son just wants to take a breather before having to be an adult with work 24/7. The real world is hard and stressful, just give it atleast one more year and try to focus on his feelings and your relationship with him because he matters.
2017-04-24 12:15 pm
If you fed up with everything send his *** to bootcamp now a day a lot of this generation is dumb.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:36:06
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