Do you judge people by their appearance?

2017-04-24 9:37 am

回答 (8)

2017-04-24 10:25 am
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Yes. Despite popular opinion, it is an accurate way of judging others
2017-04-24 9:45 am
Yup, by some degree, just like everybody else.
2017-04-24 10:06 am
Well, can tell us a person is a druggie, or dunkard, or if they walk around in dirty clothing and smell, all gansta with pants halfway down and a t-shirt that says I HATE WHITE PEOPLE...or Mr. Skinhead with swastika earrings...the old lady ahead of me in line at Walmartthat smells like pee who's buying 12 bags of catfood and kitty litter...yeah, some books ARE the cover.
2017-04-24 10:01 am
To an extent but not very much. Personality means the most to me.
2017-04-24 10:17 am
Do I judge a book by its cover..No..the chapter's go deeper,then the cover.~*
2017-04-24 9:46 am
2017-04-24 9:39 am
I judge their appearance without judging them.
2017-04-24 9:44 am
No by their personality

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