New York in the Fall?

2017-04-24 1:46 am
Me and my family are going to NYC in the fall (during November) what are fun things to do and what s the average temperature during the time? I live in Texas and it s always warm I wore shorts last Christmas!

回答 (3)

2017-04-24 8:14 pm
The weather can vary quite a bit, but you can count on it likely being a lot colder than in Texas. Check the forecast before you leave so that you can pack appropriately. You'll want to wear pants, and most likely long sleeves each day. You might need just a light jacket, or you might need a heavy coat and gloves.

There are a lot of great things to see and do:
*Central Park
*Museums (American Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, etc)
*Broadway shows (and off-Broadway shows too)
*Rockefeller Center/Top of the Rock
*Empire State Building viewing deck
*9/11 Memorial and Museum
*Statue of Liberty
*Brooklyn Bridge
*Bronx Zoo

There's something for everyone in NYC - you'll just need to research a little to see what is going to most appeal to you and your family.
2017-04-24 1:47 am
It can be chilly and rainy. It sometimes even snows in November. Take layers. Go to to read about things to do.
2017-04-24 6:30 am
To summarize Andy's response, it will likely be a lot colder than you are used to. Forget about shorts. Expect temperatures in the 40s and 50s, with the possibility of temperatures in the 30s with snow, particularly later in the month.

You'll need to bring a warm coat and gloves. If you're lucky, you'll have temperatures in the 60s, but don't count on it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:25:26
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