Normal distribution?

2017-04-23 11:52 pm
Let X follows the normal distribution N(1,8).
(a) P(X <= 2.4).
(b) P(X <= 2.1).
(c) Hence find P(-2.1 <= X <= 2.4).

回答 (1)

2017-04-24 2:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Use the Normal Distribution Calculator online as shown below
(a) P(X <= 2.4).
(b) P(X <= 2.1).
(c) Hence find P(-2.1 <= X <= 2.4)
P(X <= - 2.1)=0.34919
P-2.1 <= X <= 2.4)=P(X <= 2.4) - P(X <= - 2.1)=0.56946-0.34919=0.22027 .....Ans

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