Will the sun die?

2017-04-23 10:54 pm

回答 (47)

2017-04-24 3:30 am
Eventually, in many, many billions of years.
2017-04-24 5:23 am
Everything dies.
2017-04-24 12:14 am
Yes... We're about 1/2 way through it's life span, of about 9 to 10 billion years. In about a billion to two billion years, the sun's output will have increased to the point where life on Earth will no longer be possible; in about 4.5 billion years, it will have burned through enough of it's hydrogen that it will begin to die, first by going through the Red Giant phase, then ending up it's life as a white dwarf, about the size of the Earth.
The white dwarf will slowly cool over billions of years, from white to yellow to brown, then red and finally black...
2017-04-24 6:32 pm
It will, but we don't have to worry about it, that will happen long after humans are gone...
2017-04-24 6:03 am
In about 4 or 5 billion years it is predicted to. But then again, science could be wrong.
2017-04-23 11:52 pm
No. The Sun does not have enough mass to explode as a supernova. Instead it will exit the main sequence in approximately 5 billion years and start to turn into a red giant.
2017-04-26 3:49 am
The only thing that I know 4 sure is were all gonna die .
2017-04-24 12:01 am
In a few billion years, the sun will become a red giant so large that it will engulf our planet
2017-04-23 11:31 pm
It is not alive, so NO!
2017-04-23 10:55 pm
Why is this in R&S?
2017-04-24 6:15 am
In about 4.5 Billion years from now,
參考: Seagulls!! And they are all carrying Bibles!!
2017-04-24 12:38 am
When the Universe runs down from entropy, the whole thing will be just dead rocks.
2017-04-23 10:56 pm
In four to five billion years.
2017-04-23 10:55 pm
No, it will explode like a muslim.
It is not alive to die.
2017-04-23 10:55 pm
Eventually the sun will go supernova.
2017-05-27 10:53 pm
The only thing that I know 4 sure is were all gonna die .
2017-05-27 1:31 am
2017-04-28 1:09 am
Some people believe that. Maybe.
2017-04-27 8:47 pm
Eventualy yes. In many billion years.
2017-04-26 10:53 pm
if we put some solar panels on there, we can power it forever.
2017-04-26 8:00 am
Probably in our future because the bible says: " there will be a new heaven and a new earth and Jesus will be the light, there will be no night."
2017-04-26 6:33 am
Yeah. It will sweel up and collapse into a white dwarf in about 4 and a half billion years or so. Hopefully by then (if we haven't destroyed ourselves or have an extinction level event) we'll have been a space faring civilization for a while.
2017-04-26 2:43 am
Yes. the sun will eventually burn through all its gases and become a blue dwarf or something like that. Not for another few million years or so. Hopefully humanity will leave the solar system then, but I doubt we ever will.
2017-04-26 12:19 am
2017-04-26 12:02 am
heroes never die
2017-04-25 7:58 pm
Of course yes. The sun, like any other star of this kind, process hydrogen into helium. When this fuel run out, the Sun will go out.
2017-04-25 6:57 pm
2017-04-25 4:59 pm
Yes, but not very soon ,around 5billion years more to go and i don't think we need to worry about that in future also. ;)
2017-04-25 3:30 pm
right now sun's age is about 4.6 billion years and accordind to survey of NASA the sun will last till more 5 billion years more. So now we can say that sun is on his half way.
2017-04-25 2:19 pm
2017-04-25 1:32 pm
na...sun never die
it sunset.
2017-04-25 12:40 pm
It will one day, in about 4.5 billion years, run out of fuel to keep converting helium into hydrogen. It will bloat-up until it consumes Mars as a Red Giant star, then shrink back down and finally collapse onto itself as a black hole. This will take maybe ten billion years from right now. You have nothing about which to worry regarding the end of the Sun in your lifetime.
2017-04-25 10:29 am
Yes, in about 5 billion years, and humans will most likely be extinct by then
2017-04-25 12:16 am
In about 5 billion years, the Sun will turn into a bloated red giant and will swell out past the orbit of Venus (and maybe to the Earth's orbit) and then puff off the outer layers creating a planetary nebula and turn into a white dwarf that will slowly cool over many billions of years.
2017-04-24 10:16 pm
Probably one day
2017-04-24 10:13 pm
Yes and when it does we will all die aswel
2017-04-24 7:25 am
Our Sun will go through different stages during it's life. The Next State is the Red Giant Stage which will start in about 4.5 Billion years. After a few more Billion years it will go White Dwarf. it will never Die.
2017-04-24 2:32 am
Of course. Everything will die, the universe including. Its speculated that galaxies might even collapse, eventually, creating supermassive black holes. As far as the sun goes, we're about halfway through the Sun's lifecycle. The majority of it's life is spent in the main sequence phase. In about 5,000,000,000 years the sun will expand into a red giant, swallowing Mercury and Venus in the process, and maybe even Earth. Even if it doesn't swallow it, it will turn Earth into a Venus like planet. The oceans will boil away. But the good thing is, if we find a way to thicken the Martian atmosphere, it will be a pretty comfortable place to be. But this solar system is finite. Colonizing Mars would be only a temporary solution. The best hope is finding a nice planet around a red dwarf star. They burn at a lower temperature, and as a result, live in the main sequence of their lives for a trillion years or more.
2017-04-24 1:41 am
somewhen he will not shine any more.
in some billion of years.
2017-04-24 12:41 am
2017-04-23 10:56 pm
It will explode and obliterate this solar system in millions of years.

Then, we will finally see the end of religion and man-made gods, unless we destroy ourselves from nuclear war or global warming first.
2017-04-25 8:17 am
Since it is not alive the answer to your question is NO. It will at some time far in the future cease to exist in its current form, and even further cease to exist.
2017-04-25 4:11 am
Christ will comeback first
2017-04-25 1:07 am
2017-04-24 10:01 pm
If it does we will have the technology by then to make a "synthetic sun"
2017-04-23 10:57 pm
Yes, At the End of DST. And after the New Earth and Heavens have been Created. Hallelujah !!
2017-04-24 6:58 pm
No it won't, God made the sun to be immortal like himself

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